Guide business relations!
MagicCrm is the simplest and most powerful CRM software that you can imagine to govern your business relationships.

Take care of the customer relationship lifecycle

Enable working tools integration

Improve company’s workflow

Measures the results
Keep Mobile and Cloud on

Why should you choose MagicCrm?
Too many CRM solutions to choose from?
The Magic-Community Many stories.

Every one of us live their own problems like the biggest in the word.
Because of what we pay full attention to each fact, each event and each worldview because they represent a precious treasure to conserve and share.
From the first moment we start to interact with our customers, we paving a common path and share common experiences.
All this experiences become best practices and are being reflected in a constant and continuous product improvement due of the tight collaboration between our customers’ community and us.
About us

Moreno Lazzaro
“Non solo un ottimo prodotto, ma anche la massima disponibilità del personale per fornire al Cliente un supporto tempestivo ed efficace.“
Ceo Assiperizie

Alessandro Campagna
“Un decennio di collaborazione rappresenta la migliore credenziale per sancire la nostra Customer Satisfaction nei confronti dell’azienda e del prodotto.“
Exibithion Manager Salone nautico di Genova